Investing in A Copy Trading Strategy
Can I invest in a Strategy that I did not create (eg. system created strategy)?
Yes, you can invest in a strategy created by other users if they choose to share it in the market. The strategy creator may charge additional fees (creator fees) based on your trading volume or profits as a management fee.
What happens when the creator adds/removes addresses to the Strategy I invested in?
If you have already purchased a token based on an address in a strategy and that address is later removed, you will still copy its sell orders, but no new buy orders will be placed for that address.
This works the same way when you edit addresses in strategies you created.
What happens if the addresses in a system-created strategy become inactive or underperform?
Our system continuously monitors the performance of system-created strategies. If an address becomes inactive or underperforms, it will be automatically removed and replaced with high-performing addresses.
Last updated